Spinel and Diamond Disco Ring
R14161Product Details
Red Spinel Burma 3.57 ct, Grey Spinel 5.51 ct / 8 pcs, Diamond 0.50 ct / 48 pcs, 18k gold
Our signature Disco model composed of natural Spinels in a circular layout, eight oval Grey Spinels embracing a round Vivid Red Burmese Spinel. The outer diamond rim with inward-facing spikes locks the stones in tight integrity, creating a floral emblem with a sparkling allure. The flat disc-like design makes the ring a perfect fit in your casual wardrobe: you can easily tuck your hand in the jeans’ pocket, do sports or cooking wearing this truly ergonomic Ring. At night though it will catch all eyes thanks to the big and sparkling cocktail look.
Each IVY Ring is one-of-a-kind and sized 6.5 (53) by default. However, it can be resized to bigger or smaller one. Please send us email with the required size prior to your purchase.
Color: Red, Grey
Certified: GRS
Origin: Burma (Myanmar)
(extract from RED SPINEL chapters of the book "Gemstones.Terra Connoisseur" by Vladyslav Yavorskyy)
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